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Overview Of The 8 chakras In The Body: What Are They, And How To Know If They Are in Balance

Overview of the 8 Chakras

Root Chakra

Shapes our sense of security

 “I am safe, grounded and connected”-Muladhara Mantra

In the first chakra, to be aware is to be tactile. Nothing happens until it happens in the first chakra; and nothing has happened until we sense it, until we feel it in a tactile way,
until it touches us…

Rosalyn L. Bruyere,  Wheels of Light

Sacral Chakra  

Shapes our creativity and desires

 “I allow sweetness, sensuality and passion into my life”-Svadhisthana Mantra

“We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotionswe also numb the positive emotions.”

Brene Brown

Solar Plexus

Shapes our sense of stability and empowerment 

“It is safe for me to be powerful. I can, I will, I do”- Manipura Mantra

If you want to learn more: continue exploring this blog

Heart Chakra

 “I am loving and I am loved, I embrace the world”-Anahata Mantra

Throat Chakra

“I lovingly speak my truth, clearly and positively”- Vishuddha Mantra

“The More I look. The More I see. The More I feel.” – Depeche Mode

Third Eye

 “I trust my intuition and dreams, I am clear”- Ajna Mantra

In order to connect to your intuition, you need to practice self-awareness and no judgment. Here are some tips that might help!

The Crown Chakra

“I am open to receiving the limitless abundance of the universe”

-Sahasrara Mantra

The 8th Chakra

Often referred to as the soul chakra or soul star chakra, it is the seat of divine love, spiritual compassion, and spiritual selflessness. The 8th chakra is the doorway between your soul and your purpose.

The eighth chakra serves as your personal gateway to the vast expanses of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. It is your bridge to the divine, connecting you to the universal tapestry and guiding you beyond the physical and mental boundaries that confine you.

You can access the Akashic records through this chakra, tapping into the eternal wisdom and knowledge that transcend time and space. Here, you can communicate with higher realms, receiving guidance and insight that illuminate your path. Engaging with this chakra is essential for anyone on a quest for deeper spiritual understanding and connection. It is not just an energy center; it is your celestial beacon, shining light on your true essence and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. Embrace it, and let it guide you toward your ultimate spiritual destiny, revealing the interconnectedness of your existence with the cosmos.

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