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A 5-Step Formula How To Build More Discipline

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A Straightforward Guide How To Start & Finish Anything

It spells S. T. A. R. T.

S. Shoot for accountability

This is the most fundamental step of starting anything: whether is a project, a career change, a physical transformation, or even a new relationship.

You have to stay accountable in order to move from wishful thinking to practical execution.

Some folks are innately more disciplined and tend to keep themselves accountable much easier than other people.

This is just one of the many fascinating differences between people with different personality types.

I wasn`t born disciplined either. I cultivated it throughout the years.

Discipline is a skill. It gets better, the more you do it.

If you don`t want to depend on others to keep you accountable, do it yourself but be very strategic about it if you want to be successful.
For example: if you have been meaning to start working out since last year, adding a reminder on your phone to start is not enough.

Our brain does not follow ambiguous massages; it only follows clear instructions within a specific context.

It is way more productive to tell yourself, “I will start going for walks every (other) day during my lunch break, for at least 20-30 minutes, and build my fitness from there” as opposed to “I haven`t moved at all this week so I will skip working out entirely.”

I find it very convenient to use a fitbit or an apple watch to track your steps.

T. Tune in to your “why”

Let’s move on to step two: finding your “why.” 

Whether you want to fix your car to prevent future damage, or you want to shed stubborn weight/change your job/travel more/learn a new language/etc, you can’t start without being clear on your “why.” 

I am sure you’ve encountered people who keep talking and talking about the vacation they wish to take, the extra weight they want to drop, or the healthier diet they are eager to adopt….without doing anything about it.

Why? Because they are not clear on their why.  

To achieve clarity and solidify your motivation to s.t.a.r.t., take your journal, and answer these questions with your complete honesty and undivided attention. 

A. Aim for consistency

I know that you know that knowledge alone doesn’t create long-lasting behavior change.

Even after you have established accountability and are clear on your why, you still need to take action steps to get started.
Before you start, decide what you want, then structure in an attainable and measurable goal that can be broken down in small chunks.
Instead of planning to remodel your entire home in one day, which sounds intimidating from the very beginning, make sure your goal is specific, measurable and achievable, realistic, and time-bound. (read more here )

R. Regain responsibility

Regaining responsibility stands for regaining control of your life.

We are all human; we all experience days when procrastination seductively creeps in tempting us to cave in old habits.
However, if you are committed to your personal growth, you regain your motivation much faster than if you didn`t.
The power is in you, you just have to accept your responsibility.

T. Take action RIGHT NOW!

Whatever you would like to s.t.a.r.t, do it now.

Write down your goal, call a friend, do a google search, order a book, discuss it with your partner, go for a walk to clear your head, move your body, eat your veggies, do a guided meditation, or schedule a clarity call with me.
Whatever it takes to get you started, do it. And start today.

Just s.t.a.r.t.

~ Ana-Maria

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