Procrastination is a dark tunnel that swallows us into a vacuum of stagnation that keeps us stuck — and, I am sure you can agree, feeling stuck sucks.
That doesn’t have to be the case though!
Is PERFECTIONISM standing in the way of your productivity?
Do you often PROCRASTINATE on your most important tasks…telling yourself “It`s NOT good enough”?
Do you frequently EXPERIENCE self-doubt that hurts your decisions?
Do you find yourself NOT taking opportunities for PERSONAL GROWTH because you don`t feel “ready”?
Before we can get what we want, we have to get to the root of the problem that causes us to feel stuck.
There are two main reasons why we procrastinate:
1) We don’t have clarity what to do in order to move forward and feel confused where to start
2) We know that what we have to do is A LOT, so we choose to do nothing

Here are my recommendations on what to do FIRST to avoid doing ZERO.
1) Break your goal into small measurable action steps that are actionable and executable within a given time frame
For example: if you want to write a book, begin by writing the first chapter…and the next one, and the next one, etc…
The same formula applies to all projects.
2) Create the habit of scheduling things based on their priority ranking
Again, it is essential to choose a time-frame that is realistic and doable.
I like to structure my goals in a 90-day period. It is not too short to stress me out and not too long to allow me to stay behind.
When you create your list, begin with the goals that are of uttermost importance. Usually, they are the ones that are the most intimidating.
3) Declutter your mind by decluttering your environment
- Does your work environment enhance your productivity, or does it lead you to distractions?
- Are you prioritizing your primary goals, or are you jiggling so many things you’re losing motivation to do any of them?
- Do you check your e-mail/Facebook/Instagram more often than is necessary to stay up to date
Chances are the digital world can survive on its own even if you shut down your mobile device. By shutting down the external noise, we shut down the noise of distraction. This is one of the many reasons I practice meditation.:)
And if you feel you need more breaks, try the pomodoro technique*.
The Pomodoro technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by 3-to-5 minute breaks and 15-to-30 minute breaks following the completion of four work periods.
To recap:
1) When we start a new project, we are programmed to experience discomfort. Often we justify our procrastination by telling us that something else is more ”important.” The key to building discipline is to follow the order of your priorities by completing what`s most important FIRST before you move on to your next task.
2) The bigger the change, the smaller (yet consistent!) the action steps should be. No progress is linear, and occasional setbacks are to be expected. Instead of beating yourself, re-frame your mindset to navigate obstacles as you would navigate roadblocks – with patience.
3) By breaking down your goals in small actionable steps, you’re going to see progress without getting overwhelmed.
Small and steady wins the race!
Start today!

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